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The Sherrard Public Library District is governed by a board of seven publicly elected officials who set policy, review financial reports, hire and evaluate the Library Director, and advocate for the library within the community. The Board of Library Trustees meets each month (except December).  Meetings are open, and the public is welcome to attend. See the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Meeting Schedule for upcoming meetings, and review Meeting Agendas and Minutes here. Read our bylaws for more information about the Board.

Election Information:

2024 Candidate's Guide - Sherrard Public Library District 

Illinois State Board of Elections website

Library Information:

Trustee Facts File - Trustee Duties and Responsibilities, Chapter 1

Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Meeting Schedule

Board Meeting Agendas & Minutes

Board of Trustees Bylaws

Library Bill of Rights - American Library Association

Freedom to Read Statement - American Library Association

Library Board of Trustees

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