Sherrard Public Library District cardholders can access discounts to attractions throughout Illinois by visiting Explore More!  Enter your library card number and your password (i.e. the last four digits of the library card number) to view a list of attractions and their offers!  The list of attractions and offers are updated often, so be sure to check it out before a day trip or family vacation!

Current attractions include: Chicago Children's Museum, Galesburg Parks and Recreation, Illinois Holocaust Museum, Kizeum of Health and Science, and more!

Please note: Patrons must use an adult account to login to Explore More, as most reservations require photo ID.  Juvenile accounts will not be able to login to the Explore More system.

Explore More Illinois

Community Passes

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Sherrard Public Library District offers passes which grant household admission to local attractions, including Figge Art Museum, The German-American Heritage Center, Niabi Zoo, Putnam Museum, and Quad City Botanical Center!  Or, rent a FunBundle - admission to Niabi Zoo, Putnam Museum, and QC Botanical Center all on one card!

You must be a Sherrard Library patron to check out these passes, which can be kept for 7 days.  Passes are non-holdable, and are checked out on a first come, first served basis.  Each household may check out one pass at a time, and returns must be made inside the library.  Please do not return passes in the book drop.